Three Simple Ways To Make Your Rental Units More Customizable

Most residents, especially those in the Millennial generation, want the opportunity to customize their living space and make it feel like their own. They want choices and options – not a cookie cutter apartment that looks like every other one in the building. The prospect of customizing apartments for residents may sound a bit intimidating at first, but it doesn't have to be. Here are three simple ways to make your units more customizable. Read More 

Types Of Credit Risks To Know About When Selling Your Home Via Owner Financing

If you're working with a real estate agent to sell your home, you might be considering various offers; or at least hoping that's what is about to happen. You might think that a buyer will go through the normal channels of obtaining a mortgage. However, it is possible that someone may want to buy your home through seller financing. Before you automatically say no, this guide explains who the types of buyers are that typically want to go this route to purchase a home. Read More 

Golf Course Housing Developments: A Little Research Is All You Need

If you've been considering buying a home on or next to a golf course, you're most likely hearing a mixed bag of opinions from friends and colleagues. Some might warn you of armies of flying golf balls landing in your yard, while others might tell you about acquaintances who ended up having to have the cars from course visitors towed all the time. But don't worry too much about these issues. Read More 

Buying A New Home For The First Time? Know What The Roof Inspector Looks At

If you're buying a house for the first time, accurate information about the condition of the home is critical to your final decision on making the purchase. One area that many buyers cannot gather a lot of information on is the roof. A roof inspector can provide an accurate report on the condition of the roof. If you are hiring a roof inspector, these are the key areas you can expect him or her to evaluate. Read More 

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Selling Your Mineral Rights

You own the rights to any minerals that are found under the land that you own. Your rights to these minerals causes any company that wants them to have to pay royalties to you or whoever you pass the rights onto throughout the course of the mining process. However, not everyone wants to keep their mineral rights, even though they are able to receive money regularly as a result of them. Read More